Wednesday, 27 May 2015

How to Change Motorcycle Engine Oil & Filter: Honda CBR 125

This is the 3rd of 3 videos showcasing some maintenance I'm performing on a 2008 Honda CBR 125 motorcycle for my wife.  The factory service manual recommends cleaning the oil filter (strainer) every 12,000 kms and this bike already has 16,000 kms... I can't confirm that it's every been done so why not do it yourself and provide some peace of mind!

-12mm socket
-10mm deep socket
-Set of screwdrivers
-rubber mallet
-needlenose pliers

Previous video: How to Adjust Motorcycle Valve Clearances (CBR 125)

Make sure to subscribe and thanks for watching!


  1. This is such a great post, was exactly what I was looking for. My wife had been bugging me about it for months now as our son is an avid rider and also own's a Honda CBR 125. Seems like a fairly straight forward process and like you said rather do it yourself and get peace of mind. Thank you.

    Abraham Yates @ Apache Oil Company

  2. Useful information that you have posted.
    Bike showroom in Chennai

    Please share more details about it. thanks for sharing.


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