Sunday 28 April 2013

How to Rename Android Device on Network

Android devices don't have nice default names on a local network.  This can be confusing, especially if you have to type "android-cfd55432173d6d3e" often.  But, if your android device is routed, it's just one line in a terminal (as superuser) to change this:

setprop net.hostname THE_NEW_HOSTNAME

Here's a screenshot:


  1. I've been looking forever for an answer to this question! While going into terminal and changing the name of my device DOES work. As soon as I reboot my tablet, the device name goes back to it's original, horrendously long name. Any idea how to make this change stick?

  2. As soon as I reboot my tablet, the device name goes back to it's original, horrendously long name. Hack Line Horse


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